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nucleonb 2024-01-25 21:59:36 +0100
Думаю, что женщин надо фотографировать так, что бы фото им понравилось.
©лепой 2024-01-27 16:59:03 +0100
@nucleonb, Good comment, according to etiquette!
Unfortunately, Shakespeare's language is very poor (unlike Russian) There are no superlative adjectives in it. ;)
nucleonb 2024-01-27 18:41:06 +0100
I only can repeat my post above. :)
©лепой 2024-01-27 19:19:26 +0100
@nucleonb, Yes Yes. I read that the site rules prohibit the use of the Russian adjective “good” in the superlative degree. ;)))
nucleonb 2024-01-27 19:35:42 +0100
@Andere, I only said, that female model should like her taken photo and nothing more. Also, I have selected "like" for the posted photo. Words "good" and "like" have different meanings.
©лепой 2024-01-27 21:12:54 +0100
@nucleonb, I did the same as you ) !