Полевая дорога.
f/5.0 1/1600s iso200 4.3 mm
Полевая дорога.
Станислав 2020-07-24 21:17:24 +0100
f/5.0 1/1600s iso200 4.3 mm
533.3 Kb 4000x3000 → 2026x1520 2020:06:29 13:57:19
Aperture 5.0
CameraType Compact
ColorSpace sRGB
DateTimeOriginal 2020:06:29 13:57:19
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/1600
FocalLength 4.3 mm
FocalLength35efl 4.3 mm (35 mm equivalent: 24.0 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 0.69 m
ISO 200
ImageSize 4000x3000
Lens 4.3 - 150.5 mm
LensType n/a
Make Canon
Model Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
RecordMode JPEG
ScaleFactor35efl 5.6
SensitivityType Standard Output Sensitivity and Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Daylight
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