f/7.1 1/80s iso640 62.0 mm
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Valerij 2024-02-15 10:46:40 +0100
f/7.1 1/80s iso640 62.0 mm
1.3 Mb 3979x2594 → 2280x1486 2024:02:05 16:04:49
Aperture 7.1
ColorSpace sRGB
DateCreated 2024:02:05 16:04:49.00
DateTimeOriginal 2024:02:05 16:04:49
ExifVersion 0231
ExposureTime 1/80
FocalLength 62.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 62.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 62.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 62 mm
HyperfocalDistance 18.02 m
ISO 640
ImageSize 3979x2594
Lens 28.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
Model NIKON D3
ScaleFactor35efl 1.0
WhiteBalance Auto
COMMENTS 3 To leave a comment, please login or register
©лепой 2024-02-15 12:04:15 +0100
Why is the width of the bridge not indicated at the beginning and at the end??? If I run along it, is there a chance of getting stuck? ))))))))))))))))
Valerij 2024-02-15 17:57:02 +0100
@Andere, Головоломка ))) Приглядитесь,в проеме на заднем плане машинка стоит.Как думаете,проедет ? ))
©лепой 2024-02-15 18:55:11 +0100
@Valerij, It all depends on speed. - Once we carried the piano into the elevator... From a running start))))))))))))))))))))