
Concept of our site is to publish only the strongest works, continuously improving quality, not quantity. Super Shots is a place to showcase your best works, not just a photo site where you can upload everything indiscriminately, trying to gain fame or fulfill your ambitions, creating informational noise and indiscriminately liking everything to attract attention.

All works published on our site undergo moderation to ensure they meet our requirements. If a work clearly does not meet the standards, it is removed from the main feed but remains accessible from the author's page under the "All" tab. The work is returned to the main feed when the author uploads a new version. Moderators are notified of this and re-evaluate the work. If there are no more issues, the work stays in the feed. Otherwise, it is rejected again.

Moderators work anonymously, acting on behalf of the Spirit of the Site. This is done to:

  • Prevent the harassment of a specific individual due to their professional activities, such as personal vendettas, finding faults in others, attempts to discredit honorable people, etc. Like, who are you to judge me?
  • Prevent individual trolls or conflict-prone individuals from creating discord within the team over decisions made: like, give me another moderator because this one is an idiot and understands nothing.
  • Prevent the emergence of guilt in the moderator. Moderators clean the site of garbage, but unlike janitors, they can be told that the garbage is a work of art, sowing doubt in their souls.

Since photography is an art, there are sometimes controversial works with both weak and strong sides. In case of doubt, moderators can make collective decisions. We consult with each other and try not to offend anyone without reason.

During moderation, authors of unsuccessful works may receive a comment from the Spirit of the Site. In the comment, the Spirit may briefly indicate the reasons for rejecting the work. Below are the main reasons that require explanation and clarification:

  • The work's level does not meet the site's concept - this is when the author publishes works that are below their average level, i.e., starts posting something mediocre instead of their best work. Skill levels vary, and we are guided by the author's existing portfolio and the site's average standards.
  • Too rough processing - posterization of the image, loss of details, presence of obvious defects in the image resulting from erroneous manipulations with the photo editor.
  • Photo for a family album - the work may be interesting only to you but not particularly interesting to others, such as your children, grandchildren, relatives, friends, etc.
  • Weak viewer interest - the work is viewed but does not generate sufficient interest or feedback. The metric depends on the season, day of the week, and time of day. People just pass by the work; it doesn't catch their interest. Sometimes we reject such works immediately, but usually, we let them stay for a while so that the author can see this for themselves.
  • Low artistic value - the photographer pressed the button just like that, without an idea in mind, not thinking about the shot or its perception. Sometimes this works, but in most cases, such works are mundane and can be created without much effort or skill.
  • Requires processing - presence of dust spots on the sensor, foreign objects in the frame that interfere with perception, insufficient development of the sky or ground, any lens artifacts, etc.
  • Too flat an image - when everything merges into a single mush, lacking volume. A photograph with great depth of field, devoid of any smooth transitions from deep shadow to light.
  • Better to present as a series - the shot itself may be good, but it does not reflect the full picture. It is better to make a series of similar shots that give a complete idea of the subject. Our site is very well suited for series, allowing you to upload up to 10 images, provide descriptions, and receive ratings for each photo in the series.
  • Low quality - the file is excessively compressed, has artifacts, or is too small in size.