Beginner Bootcamp

As in any community, every individual member should be respectful towards others. Rude behavior is harmful and should be penalized :) To avoid being rude, it’s important not only to avoid disrespect but also to follow the general etiquette rules on the site.

  1. You are joining an existing community, so it's essential to honor it and follow its rules of conduct.
  2. Each photo receives the same name as the file upon upload. This default name should not be left as is. Give it a proper title, accurately describe your photo, and add tags separated by commas.
  3. Similar photos should be uploaded in series. Series can contain up to 10 images. They can be uploaded all at once or added over time. To display a series in the classic view, check the "Series" box on the photo editing page.
  4. Any photos on the site can be updated by uploading improved versions. Previous versions will remain, and new ones will be added to the end. The "Versions" display format allows for easy comparison of different edits of the same photo. You can have up to 10 versions of the same shot, with the ability to delete or set any version as the primary one.
  5. If you like a photo, be thoughtful when giving hearts. Don’t hand out likes carelessly in hopes of receiving them in return. Like-baiting is disliked everywhere.
  6. It’s recommended to leave truly helpful comments, although simply expressing admiration is also allowed.
  7. If there’s something you don’t like about a photo, don’t hesitate to let the author know. Perhaps the author rushed, overlooked something, or simply doesn’t know how to improve their photo. Write a constructive comment and point out any weaknesses. Constructive criticism can be helpful for everyone at times.
  8. If you dislike a photo, explain in detail what’s wrong with it. Comments like "Trash" or "It's flawed" without explanation cause confusion and resentment. This can lead to conflicts on the site, disputes, and users leaving, which is unacceptable. A negative comment is considered akin to a personal insult. Don’t tell someone "your photos are terrible," but rather explain your reasons, or simply refrain from commenting. You may be a skilled photographer, but if you’re offering feedback, do so like a teacher. If you can’t provide constructive feedback, it’s best not to; otherwise, it harms the site.
  9. In the forum, create a new topic for each question if there are no open threads on the same topic. New ideas and suggestions are best written in separate threads to make them easier to discuss and keep track of.
  10. If someone has offended you, write to the site administrator — we’ll address it.