Ах,белый теплоход...
f/8.0 1/250s iso100 16.0 mm
747 views 1 user added to favorites
Ах,белый теплоход...
vallent10 2017-03-15 22:49:41 +0100
f/8.0 1/250s iso100 16.0 mm
136.7 Kb 1302x767 2013:01:09 11:14:37
Aperture 8.0
Artist Picasa
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
Creator Picasa
DateCreated 2013:01:09 11:14:37.057
DateTimeOriginal 2013:01:09 11:14:37
ExifVersion 0221
ExposureTime 1/250
FocalLength 16.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 16.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 25.1 mm)
HyperfocalDistance 1.67 m
ISO 100
ImageSize 1302x767
Lens EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
Make Canon
Model Canon EOS 7D
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.6
SensitivityType Unknown
SubjectDistance 4294967295 m
WhiteBalance Auto
COMMENTS 3 To leave a comment, please login or register
valenbond 2017-03-16 12:41:05 +0100
Очень красиво!
Савинский Юрий 2017-03-16 18:08:27 +0100
Наталья Сабурова 2017-03-16 19:30:21 +0100
Небо объемное, все красиво!