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f/5.0 1/60s iso100 18.0 mm
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СергейАндреевич 2015-11-30 21:53:44 +0100
f/5.0 1/60s iso100 18.0 mm
286.2 Kb 5846x3769 → 2280x1469 2013:11:07 06:52:17
Aperture 5.0
ColorSpace sRGB
DateTimeOriginal 2013:11:07 06:52:17
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/60
FocalLength 18.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 18.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 27.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 27 mm
GPSAltitude 9.5 m Above Sea Level
GPSAltitudeRef Above Sea Level
GPSDOP 1.8224
GPSDateStamp 2013:11:06
GPSLatitude -8.704434
GPSLatitudeRef South
GPSLongitude +115.264521
GPSLongitudeRef East
GPSMapDatum WGS-84
GPSMeasureMode 3-Dimensional Measurement
GPSPosition -8.704434, +115.264521
GPSStatus Measurement Active
HyperfocalDistance 3.24 m
ISO 100
ImageSize 5846x3769
InternalSerialNumber 0706821367
LensType Tamron or Sigma Lens (128)
Model SLT-A77V
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Auto

COMMENTS 5 To leave a comment, please login or register
Эстелла 2015-11-30 22:01:10 +0100
Анжелика 2015-11-30 22:12:12 +0100
Alex Mimo 2015-11-30 22:38:15 +0100
Илона 2015-11-30 22:48:44 +0100
Золотое утро!:)
amaniuto 2015-12-01 09:13:43 +0100
Хорошая работа! Нра!