Окно в сказку
f/16.0 1/75s iso800 8.0 mm
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Окно в сказку
Fuseboy 06/24/2020
Закат на Плещеевом озере.
f/16.0 1/75s iso800 8.0 mm
857.5 Kb 1920x1280 2020:06:13 21:00:43
Aperture 16.0
DateCreated 2020:06:13
DateTimeOriginal 2020:06:13 21:00:43
Description Lake Pleshcheyevo, a lake in Russia, and formerly a resort for Russian tsars, is located in Yaroslavl Oblast. The town of Pereslavl-Zalessky is on the southeastern side of the lake. In 1688–1693, Peter the Great built his famous "funny flotilla" (i. e. training flotilla) on Lake Pleshcheyevo for his own amusement, including the so-called Peter's little boat, which would be considered one of the forefathers of the Russian fleet. The Botik (small boat) museum in Pereslavl-Zalessky chronicles the history of the first Russian fleet and keeps one of the original ship models.
ExifVersion 0220
ExposureTime 1/75
FocalLength 8.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 8.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 12.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 12 mm
GPSAltitude 144 m Above Sea Level
GPSAltitudeRef Above Sea Level
GPSDateStamp 2020:06:13
GPSLatitude +56.735132
GPSLatitudeRef North
GPSLongitude +38.828902
GPSLongitudeRef East
GPSMapDatum WGS-84
GPSPosition +56.735132, +38.828902
Headline Window To A Fairy Tale
HyperfocalDistance 0.20 m
ISO 800
ImageSize 1920x1280
Keywords beautiful, beauty, evening, forest, green, lake, landscape, natural, nature, night, outdoor, park, pereslavl, pleshcheyevo, reflection, summer, sun, sunset, travel, tree, trees, water
Lens XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR
Model X-H1
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
WhiteBalance Auto

COMMENTS 6 To leave a comment, please login or register
Alex Альти 06/25/2020
Красивая работа!
geophysic66 06/25/2020
В добрую....
Свет 06/25/2020
Как у Вас всё это осязаемо получается, Андрей!
Fuseboy 06/25/2020
@snow, спасибо Евгений! Как-то получается.
ГалинаZD 07/12/2020
С Днём фотографа! Интересных и удачных кадров!
Fuseboy 07/12/2020
@ГалинаZD, большое спасибо Галина!