Заканчивается теплая августовская ночь на Плещеевом озере в Переславле. Заря окрасила горизонт во все оттенки красного цвета.
8.0 mm
1 user added to favorites
Aperture | 11.0 |
Artist | Andrey Chizh |
Creator | Andrey Chizh |
DateCreated | 2020:08:08 |
DateTimeOriginal | 2020:08:08 03:43:10 |
Description | Lake Pleshcheyevo is one of the most unusual bodies of water in Central Russia. The shallow depth did not prevent him from becoming, first, a supplier of fish for the royal court, and then the homeland of the Russian fleet. Now, along the shores of the lake, a national park has been organized, where there was a place for museums - from the historical boat of Peter I to the transport museum of narrow-gauge railways or the anecdotal museum of teapots - to ancient temples, and wonderful lake landscapes, and dense forests turning into mushroom swamps. Lake Pleshcheyevo is steadily connected with the ancient Russian city on its shore, Pereslavl-Zalessky, which is unthinkable without a lake, but the lake would have lost a fair amount of its charm if there were not so many ancient temples and monasteries on its banks. |
ExifVersion | 0220 |
ExposureTime | 15 |
FocalLength | 8.0 mm |
FocalLength35efl | 8.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 12.0 mm) |
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat | 12 mm |
GPSLatitude | +56.741369 |
GPSLatitudeRef | North |
GPSLongitude | +38.835364 |
GPSLongitudeRef | East |
GPSPosition | +56.741369, +38.835364 |
GPSVersionID | |
Headline | A warm August night ends on Plescheevo Lake in Pereslavl |
HyperfocalDistance | 0.29 m |
ISO | 400 |
ImageSize | 1920x1280 |
Keywords | blue, dawn, lake, landscape, lights, nature, night, outdoor, pavilion, pereslavl, plescheevo, red, roots, russia, scenery, stones, sunrise, travel, trees, trunk, twilight, water |
Lens | XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR |
Model | X-H1 |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
ScaleFactor35efl | 1.5 |
WhiteBalance | Auto |
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