Березы Белой горы
f/11.0 1/280s iso400 32.6 mm
1017 views 3 users added to favorites
Березы Белой горы
Fuseboy 02/06/2021
Снежные панцири январских берез на Белой горе.
f/11.0 1/280s iso400 32.6 mm
1011.6 Kb 1920x1280 2019:01:07 10:42:35
Aperture 11.0
Artist Andrey Chizh
ColorSpace sRGB
Creator Andrey Chizh
DateCreated 2019:01:07
DateTimeOriginal 2019:01:07 10:42:35
Description Snow shells of January birches on White Mountain.
ExifVersion 0220
ExposureTime 1/280
FocalLength 32.6 mm
FocalLength35efl 32.6 mm (35 mm equivalent: 49.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 49 mm
GPSLatitude +57.391318
GPSLatitudeRef North
GPSLongitude +56.228167
GPSLongitudeRef East
GPSPosition +57.391318, +56.228167
Headline Birches Of The White Mountain
HyperfocalDistance 4.83 m
ISO 400
ImageSize 1920x1280
Keywords birches, christmas, cold, dawn, destination, frost, glaze, landscape, monastery, morning, mountain, outdoor, perm, scenery, sky, snow, sunrise, travel, trees, urals, white, winter
Lens XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6R LM OIS WR
Model X-T20
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
WhiteBalance Auto

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Волшебный свет.
Nadin 02/07/2021
@Владимир Ёлкин, ОЧЕНЬ !
sergey56 02/07/2021
Красиво в утреннем свете!
RAV 02/07/2021
Прекрасное фото!