Майский букетик...
f/5.6 1/250s iso125 90.2 mm
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Майский букетик...
Viola 2020-05-13 20:51:26 +0100
..из нашего сада привет!
f/5.6 1/250s iso125 90.2 mm
374.2 Kb 5184x3888 → 2026x1520 2014:12:13 20:37:02
Aperture 5.6
ColorSpace sRGB
DateTimeOriginal 2014:12:13 20:37:02
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/250
FocalLength 90.2 mm
FocalLength35efl 90.2 mm
ISO 125
ImageSize 5184x3888
Model DSC-HX400
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Auto
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Илона 2020-05-13 21:22:35 +0100