"Греческая Смаковница" (16+)
"Греческая Смаковница" (16+)
OKazik 2024-01-31 09:02:03 +0200
90.8 Kb 4000x4819 → 1261x1520
ImageSize 4000x4819
COMMENTS 18 To leave a comment, please login or register
©лепой 2024-02-14 15:45:03 +0200
What language is смАковница written in? In Greek - Συκιά. In Latin - ficus. In Russian, смОковница... What grades did you get in botany at school? A fig tree is a fig tree = ИНЖИР ;)))

©лепой 2024-02-14 15:54:37 +0200
If “Greek Fig Tree” +16 is a porn film, then it is still written in Russian with an “O”

OKazik 2024-02-15 07:11:27 +0200
@Andere, от слова СМАК ))
©лепой 2024-02-15 09:06:16 +0200
@OKazik, Repin's painting "They Sailed".
“Смак” is a Ukrainian word. Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation This is what it means to smoke joints behind the school toilet during native speech lessons. ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OKazik 2024-02-15 12:07:34 +0200
@Andere, nein, Sir. смак - вкус. смаковать - наслаждаться изысканной едой (с "изюменкой") )) и никаких туалетов )))
©лепой 2024-02-15 12:19:02 +0200
@OKazik ,смак - вкус
in Ukrainian

с "изюмЕнкой" ???
Horror (((
Ignorance does not relieve you of responsibility.
Well, that's okay. If you were imprisoned earlier, you will be released earlier

OKazik 2024-02-15 13:05:08 +0200
@Andere, изюмЕнка - есть сущонная, сморшеная смАковница ))
©лепой 2024-02-15 13:13:40 +0200
@OKazik, Someone АС (probably a pilot) wrote: “Мы все учились понемногу. Чему ни-будь и как ни-будь..." Judging by the last name, "ДЕТГИЗ" is some kind of Jew

But you have the right to remain silent; everything you say will be turned against you.))))
I read you your license and now you can drive a car. Without passing the exam )))))))))))))))))
OKazik 2024-02-15 13:43:44 +0200
@Andere, thanks..... clutch. ignition. the turn signal. first speed. gas, smoothly releasing.... ПОЕХАЛИ!.... жжжжжжжжжж жжжжжж жжж жжжжжжжжжж )))))))))
©лепой 2024-02-15 14:32:55 +0200
@OKazik, He said : ПОЕХАЛИ!
And off he went. в ЗАПОЙ )))
OKazik 2024-02-16 10:05:15 +0200
побывавши в космосе
прилетел домой
©лепой 2024-02-16 13:03:04 +0200
@OKazik, Belka and Strelka also flew home without coughing.))
Gagarin became a symbol of Homo Sapiens (because Titov got sick) Gagarin had a dazzling smile and he was a guy from the VILLAGE. Gagarin was the first of those who flew into space and returned ALIVE (about whom it is not customary to talk about). Gararin died on the ground during a drunken flight. They talk about it, but... in a whisper)
OKazik 2024-02-16 13:12:25 +0200
@Andere, "побывавши в космосе" ..... здесь "космос" - это состояние опьянения, когда закрывая глаза начинается сильное головокружение )...... (типа - разговорное, жаргон)
©лепой 2024-02-16 13:30:44 +0200
@OKazik, Lepila, kogo ty lechish' za russkiy razgovornyy zhargon? Ty voobshche to po feni botayesh'? A u menya tri khodki po bespredelu ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OKazik 2024-02-16 13:33:20 +0200
@Andere, это поли-смысловая поэзия братан )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
OKazik 2024-02-16 13:31:07 +0200
@Andere, так-же, как и "поехали" - когда разлили водку по стаканам - "ну, поехали" ))))
©лепой 2024-02-16 13:33:57 +0200
@OKazik, Don't touch me Old lady, I'm sad ))

OKazik 2024-02-20 12:07:27 +0200
@Andere, ..................................................................................