f/7.1 1/200s iso500 480.0 mm
1007 views 1 user added to favorites
андрей киселёв 2017-02-20 17:42:48 +0100
Большой пёстрый дятел.
f/7.1 1/200s iso500 480.0 mm
155.5 Kb 1312x1000 2017:02:19 13:56:30
Aperture 7.1
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
DateCreated 2017:02:19 13:56:30.094
DateTimeOriginal 2017:02:19 13:56:30
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/200
FocalLength 480.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 480.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 720.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 720 mm
HyperfocalDistance 1620.04 m
ISO 500
ImageSize 1312x1000
Lens 200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
Model NIKON D7200
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Manual
COMMENTS 5 To leave a comment, please login or register
Klaris 2017-02-20 18:42:26 +0100
Надежда Лаврова 2017-02-21 13:26:11 +0100
Марина Фомина 2017-02-21 16:15:22 +0100
!!! отлично снято.
Hexen 2017-02-21 19:14:40 +0100
Отличная работа!
Алексей Рыльский 2017-02-26 18:04:21 +0100
Птички хороши..