f/4.0 1/500s iso400 28.0 mm
johnyhemelsoen 2018-04-30 03:52:18 +0100
f/4.0 1/500s iso400 28.0 mm
599.6 Kb 2000x1600 → 1900x1520 2018:04:27 10:43:49
Aperture 4.0
Artist Picasa
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
Creator Picasa
DateTimeOriginal 2018:04:27 10:43:49
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/500
FocalLength 28.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 28.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 28.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 28 mm
HyperfocalDistance 6.52 m
ISO 400
ImageSize 2000x1600
Lens 24-120mm f/4
LensType G VR
Model NIKON D610
ScaleFactor35efl 1.0
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance 5260K
COMMENTS 4 To leave a comment, please login or register
geophysic66 2018-04-30 10:41:25 +0100
Again face the correct nationality... Shop, I hope, with kosher food ? I"m looking the gentleman in the middle is Your good friend ?
johnyhemelsoen 2018-04-30 17:50:35 +0100
@geophysic66, Yes kosher food and in the middle yes the rabbi but not my friend!
geophysic66 2018-04-30 21:53:19 +0100
Well and good ! I think this Rebbe often on Your photos... I absolutely have nothong against it ! And kosher foods - well !
Юрий В 2018-05-14 07:14:33 +0100