Зимняя идиллия
f/1.8 1/114s iso50 4.0 mm
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Зимняя идиллия
baboralex 2019-02-04 17:41:34 +0100
Мягкая зима
f/1.8 1/114s iso50 4.0 mm
348.0 Kb 3145x2312 → 2067x1520
Aperture 1.8
ExposureTime 1/114
FocalLength 4.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 4.0 mm
GPSAltitude 251.4 m Above Sea Level
GPSAltitudeRef Above Sea Level
GPSDateStamp 2018:12:18
GPSLatitude +54.780746
GPSLatitudeRef North
GPSLongitude +32.060764
GPSLongitudeRef East
GPSPosition +54.780746, +32.060764
ISO 50
ImageSize 3145x2312
Model COL-L29
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
WhiteBalance Auto

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