f/2.8 1/400s iso400 50.0 mm
johnyhemelsoen 2018-07-27 20:49:08 +0100
f/2.8 1/400s iso400 50.0 mm
436.0 Kb 1600x2000 → 1216x1520 2016:09:29 16:46:05
Aperture 2.8
Artist Picasa
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
Creator Picasa
DateTimeOriginal 2016:09:29 16:46:05
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/400
FocalLength 50.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 50.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 75.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 75 mm
HyperfocalDistance 44.57 m
ISO 400
ImageSize 1600x2000
Lens 50mm f/1.8
LensType G
Model NIKON D5100
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Sunny
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Александр Фурсов 2018-07-28 09:27:37 +0100
The gaze like this had Moses, when he asked Pharaoh to release the Jews :)