f/7.1 1/640s iso250 10.0 mm
567 views 1 user added to favorites
SergeyRazumov 2018-12-20 16:46:40 +0100
О том как панорама совершенно прямую дорогу превращает......
f/7.1 1/640s iso250 10.0 mm
515.1 Kb 7127x3570 → 2280x1142 2017:10:27 10:19:32
Aperture 7.1
ColorSpace sRGB
DateCreated 2017:10:27 10:18:55.003
DateTimeOriginal 2017:10:27 10:19:32
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/640
FocalLength 10.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 10.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 15.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 15 mm
HyperfocalDistance 0.70 m
ISO 250
ImageSize 7127x3570
Lens 10.0-20.0 mm f/3.5
Model NIKON D5100
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 1.5
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance Manual
COMMENTS 2 To leave a comment, please login or register
Usvanov 2018-12-21 05:38:31 +0100
Интересная работа!
Александр Фурсов 2018-12-21 08:17:19 +0100
Вот и торчишь тут, как витязь на распутье! :)