Перед грозой.
f/2.2 1/2117s iso50 1.7 mm
Перед грозой.
Владимир Безбородов 2023-12-20 06:27:22 +0100
f/2.2 1/2117s iso50 1.7 mm
1.1 Mb 4000x2608 → 2280x1486 2020:09:15 11:35:07
Aperture 2.2
ColorSpace sRGB
DateCreated 2020:09:15 11:35:07
DateTimeOriginal 2020:09:15 11:35:07
ExifVersion 0220
ExposureTime 1/2117
FocalLength 1.7 mm
FocalLength35efl 1.7 mm (35 mm equivalent: 13.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 13 mm
HyperfocalDistance 0.34 m
ISO 50
ImageSize 4000x2608
Make samsung
Model SM-A715F
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
ScaleFactor35efl 7.5
WhiteBalance Auto
COMMENTS 2 To leave a comment, please login or register
nucleonb 2023-12-20 06:57:32 +0100
Красивая драма.
©лепой 2023-12-20 13:59:31 +0100
1. The smartphone handled the dynamic range very well!!!
2. The diagonal of the road appears in the frame, leading the eye into the distance!!!
3. The horizon, alas, is uneven(((
4. Because of the wide-focus lens, trees in LNU (natives of the site know this abbreviation) are falling. (((
5. It should be something like this.