Облачный корабль
877 views 2 users added to favorites
202.5 Kb 1700x1130
Artist Geraldas Galinauskas
ColorSpace sRGB
Creator Geraldas Galinauskas
Description Manipulation of a ship sailing through the clouds
ExifVersion 0221
ImageSize 1700x1130
Keywords apocalypse, armageddon, art, beauty, cataclysm, catastrophe, collage, color, danger, dead, design, dusk, evening, fantasy, global, heat, illustration, image, imaginary, landscape, manipulation, mysterious, mystery, mythology, nature, nice, old, poster, sky, sun, time, warming, world, ship, clouds, moon, dream, ghost, sail, sea, blue, white, tale, boat, sailboat
Lens 17.0-55.0 mm
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
OwnerName Geraldas G.
Title Cloud ship
WhiteBalance Custom
COMMENTS 2 To leave a comment, please login or register
Nevrolog Юрий 2019-07-27 08:25:04 +0100
Призрачный парусник.
Александр Фурсов 2019-07-27 09:03:55 +0100
Сон. :)