f/2.5 1/200s iso320 50.0 mm
johnyhemelsoen 2020-02-25 23:48:35 +0100
f/2.5 1/200s iso320 50.0 mm
331.6 Kb 801x1200 2020:02:22 17:32:05
Aperture 2.5
Artist Picasa
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
Creator Picasa
DateTimeOriginal 2020:02:22 17:32:05
ExifVersion 0230
ExposureTime 1/200
FocalLength 50.0 mm
FocalLength35efl 50.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 50.0 mm)
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 50 mm
HyperfocalDistance 33.28 m
ISO 320
ImageSize 801x1200
Lens 50mm f/1.4
LensType G
Model NIKON D610
ScaleFactor35efl 1.0
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
WhiteBalance 5560K
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Дух сайта 2020-02-26 15:35:49 +0100
This image has been removed from exposition for the following reasons:
  • Focusing problems
  • Смаз

    Please read the requirements for the images
  • Suriken 2020-03-07 14:40:51 +0100
    К сожалению, действительно смаз (