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Beginner Bootcamp
Description of etiquette rules for new users of the site to avoid provoking the wrath of long-time members.
Details about the new mirrorless Fujifilm X-T1 camera (updated)
January 20, 2014 on its 80th anniversary of the Japanese company Fujifilm has announced the imminent announcement of a new mirrorless camera which will take place on January 28. Covered with a gloom mystery gradually acquires new information, the network appeared the first photos and some characteristics of the new product.
2014-01-24 13:43:54 +0100
Details on the new Canon EOS M2
Canon has worked very hard and announced the second version of tiny mirrorless EOS M2 improved with faster autofocus. Get the quality of DSLRs with a size of compacts.
2013-12-11 19:01:47 +0100
How images are being uploaded to the server
Detailed story about how image are processed to be shown on the site, which output resolutions are set, and how it looks
Technologies used
The site is made in Perl programming language on the top of Mojolicious framework, MySQL database and Mongo. Memcached is responsible for caching everything :)